Core Values
School R2IGHT Core Values

The JYian Code of Conduct
The JYian Code of Conduct (CoC) guides students on conduct that exemplifies the school values of R2IGHT. Whilst the CoC provides the standards, the school rules set the boundaries of acceptable behaviour.
As a member of the JYian Community, I shall do my utmost to uphold the school values.

To show RESPECT means I will
(1) Be Courteous and Gracious
Greet teachers and visitors to the school
Exercise self-respect
Show good attitude to all
Do not make unnecessary noise
Be humble; do not look down on others
(2) Be Sensitive to the Feelings of Others
Think twice before I speak
Listen when others are talking
Treat others the way I want to be treated
Learn to accept other people’s opinion
(3) Acknowledge Other Cultures and Traditions
Do not make racially insensitive remarks
Seek to understand other cultures
(4) Be Responsible for the School Environment
Take good care of school property
Do not litter; keep the school and community clean

To be RESPONSIBLE means I will
(1) Do Things On Time
Be punctual for school and all school activities.
Complete and submit work on time.
Carry out promises and duties.
(2) Give my Full Commitment to Learn
Bring all required materials for lessons.
Pay attention and participate actively in lessons and school activities.
Carry out class and CCA duties regularly and to the best of my abilities.
(3) Be Accountable for My Actions - Put On My Best Behaviour At All Times Within and Outside School.
Own up and accept consequences for my wrongdoings.
Be responsible for my own belongings.
(4) Take Initiative
Lead by example
Help others who are in need
Capitalise on opportunities

To have INTEGRITY means I will
(1) Do the Right Thing
Have the courage to own up
Always be fair
Make the righteous choice
(2) Be Morally Upright
Always be truthful
Be trustworthy
Differentiate between right and wrong
(3) Be Accountable
Responsible for my actions
Uphold good values
Exercise self-discipline

To show GRATITUDE means I will
(1) Be Grateful
Appreciate everything I am blessed with
Making the most of the opportunities that I have
Looking for the best in every situation
(2) Practise Tolerance
Seek first to understand and then be understood
Give people the benefit of the doubt
Treat everyone equally
(3) Be Kind to Others
Lend a helping hand
Always be pleasant
Appreciate the efforts of others
(4) Be Respectful At All Times
Be considerate and thoughtful
Be punctual
Be mindful of the language

To show HUMILITY means I will
(1) Be Modest and Respectful
Accept the limitations of myself and others
Be grateful for what is available
Seek to learn from mistakes
Refrain from bragging
Let others discover my talent(s)
Willingly help others without judging
Never seek to hurt the feelings of others
Give way to others
(2) Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood
Always seek guidance
Listen more than talk
Readily apologise, without being prompted
Be charitable
(3) Not Be Pretentious
Be sincere in my words and actions
Never make empty promises
Refrain from being egoistic

To show TENACITY means I will
(1) Never Giving Up
Overcoming challenges with a calm and collected mind
Seeing Through what I have started
Utilising the resources available to me
Determined to succeed without compromising my values
(2) Work Towards a Common Goal
Realise the strengths of the team and synergise
Be punctual for all meetings
Have a shared vision
(3) Choose Us vs Me
Realise only Together We Will Succeed
Put the needs of the team above self
Embrace the Win-Win attitude