Strategic Thrusts
STRATEGIC THRUST 1: Lifelong Learners
Every JYian, a passionate and confident learner who strives for academic excellence.
Passionate & Confident Learners – are motivated and self-directed, taking ownership for their own
learning and pursuit of their goals (passion/interest/academic);
are discerning in judgment, think independently and critically and communicate effectively.
STRATEGIC THRUST 2: Strength of Character
Every JYian, a values-driven leader and contributing citizen who adopts a healthy lifestyle.
A JYian with strength of character - makes sound decisions guided by R2IGHT values, influences others confidently
and proactively with personal strengths/passion, as well as takes charge to build stronger holistic health* (social, mental & emotional, physical).
note: *through Aesthetics, CCA and PASSION/VIA Programmes.
STRATEGIC THRUST 3: Impactful Leaders
Every staff, a mission-driven role model who makes a difference to the lives of others.
Mission-driven role-models : are competent, motivated (believe in the school’s VMV),
and exemplary in living out the school values
STRATEGIC THRUST 4: Purposeful Partnership
Every partner, a committed collaborator who works towards a partnership anchored in a shared purpose.
A partner who works with the school in support of student learning and development so as to achieve the school vision.